kindle has stopped working all of sudden and you don’t know what to
do. If this is the first time your Kindle have encounter this issue
then here is the simultaneous
resolutions when Kindle not working like scenario crops up.
– Check if Kindle is charge properly. The device consumes more
battery when online content is downloaded. If the device does not
find battery at threshold level then it will stop working and
situation like this comes up. The best resolution for this is put
Kindle on charger and wait till it gets charged up completely. It may
take couple of hours in process.
Soft Reset The Device –Even after being charged fully, if Kindle did not resume its working position or it does not respond commands then try soft reset of it. To do soft reset, remove Kindle from charger check its side. There is a power button present at the sides. Press that button for 20 seconds. Kindle screen will go blank. Leave the button and wait for some time till screen re-appears. Check if Kindle has resume working.
Reset The Device – So,
now if both charging up of device and soft reset does not work for
Kindle then try another measure. This is last things you can do with
Kindle as a self-manual resolution. Let the get charged fully. Now,
remove it from charger and turn it back. There is a button present at
the back of device. Press it hard so that, Kindle gets turned off.
Wait for few minutes and device will resume the life.
the device still not resumes its working then factory reset can be
done. But, do not do it without consulting the team of Kindle.
Factory reset will remove entire contents present in Kindle device.
above mention simultaneous
resolutions when kindle not working like scenario crops up
will fix issues like
to download content in Kindle, the device is not responding to
instruction given, Kindle scree frozen, text are not coming in proper
way etc.
if problem in Kindle still persist then it is recommended to consult
Kindle support team. If the device is new then there could be
manufacturing defect too. Thus call to Kindle customer service team helpline number and take quick and easy assistance from them.